Domestic Violence in Families and Fear of Exposure

In September 2012 I got call from a friend who asked me to go to his house urgently for a special prayer and counseling for a buttered woman. I went found the lady with her 6 months old baby sitting on a sofa. She wanted a ride back to her apartment, advised her that was […]

Supporting Widows impacted by AIDS

Judy was a resource person living with HIV/AIDS for a disease that most people fear to talk about or take a test for.  I was one of the people who feared to go for this test I lived in fear yet I was good at encouraging others to go for the test, Judy convinced me […]

Counselling the Afflicted and the Bereaved Families

Before I came to the United States of America in 2004, I lived in a small town known as Kisumu, this town has one of the highest rate of people living with HIV/AIDS. I handled some projects in creating AIDS awareness and also handled a 1 hour story time for the children who came to […]

Rescue & First Responder Call

In 9/11/1998 the US Embassy in Kenya was bombed, I was amongst the first rescue responders to be on site, managed to evacuate casualties to Kenyatta National Hospital for medical attention, the hospital was overwhelmed with the number of evacuees and needed support, I was able to deploy 8 First Aid attendants to assist the […]

Ophans, Widows and Families Outreach

Miriam became a widow in 1996 when her husband passed way after being bed ridden for 5 years.  The husband kept his diagnosis so private and Miriam respected his choice, Miriam was left with 8 young children 3 were over 18 years Miriam did not remarry.   All those 11 children were from the husband’s concubines […]

Extending a Supporting Hand to the Needy

One day while at work I took a break from my office which was at Pioneer House opposite the old US Embassy in Kenya along Moi Avenue.  As I walked across the street I saw a young lady smartly dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a top sitting on a pavement. It was […]

Interceding & Support for the Sick Families

On a Sabbath morning while at church the Dorcus leader (women ministries) requested the church members to attend a medical fund raising for one of the members who was in need of a heart surgery, this lady her case was so delicate and complicated that some doctors who came from Italy had seen her and […]


“Train up a child in the way he/she should go: and when he is old, he/she will not depart from it” Prov. 22:6. As a child I found myself in really poverty, at the age of 7 years hard labor was part of my life. My sister and I got up early to go to […]