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Interceding & Support for the Sick Families

On a Sabbath morning while at church the Dorcus leader (women ministries) requested the church members to attend a medical fund raising for one of the members who was in need of a heart surgery, this lady her case was so delicate and complicated that some doctors who came from Italy had seen her and offered a free surgery for her in Italy but the patient was to meet the cost of travel as well as accommodation.  I had just been discharged from hospital that same week. I attended the fundraising on that Sunday, while the collections were going on this lady fainted and was rushed at MP Shah hospital I was bothered so much because the money we collected was not even enough to get her an ticket to Italy. I prayed and asked God what else could I do?

In the middle of the night an idea came to me to go to the press and make an appeal for more support which was well received, by various organizations, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation KBC agreed to cover the story. Kenya Airways gave me a ticket for her to travel to Italy, this lady is alive she got a valve placed in her heart and she is now in the United States of America.

Author: admin

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