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“Train up a child in the way he/she should go: and when he is old, he/she will not depart from it” Prov. 22:6. As a child I found myself in really poverty, at the age of 7 years hard labor was part of my life. My sister and I got up early to go to school bare feet.  We walked more than 14 miles to and from school 5 days a week.   Classes begun at 8 am and ended at 1:00 pm, then we had to walk back home rush down the hill to get water for the family.  It was always a blessing if the rain came we would be saved from the heavy duty of carrying the buckets of water on our heads up the hill. We would go to the river at times twice depending on how much water was needed.  After that we would assist mom with some cleaning or cooking before we could sit to do our homework just before darkness.  This is the fate of nearly every child who is either an orphan or from a needy family in some parts of the world.

Hard work produces leadership, at the age of 17 I was a school prefect, (president) one Wednesday afternoon I was supervising those who were punished a colleague came to me asked me to go see a patient at the hospital who was involved in an accident.  We quickly rushed there saw the patient then I went to see my cousin who worked at the same hospital.  Little did I know that this patient would end up being my husband for the past 34 years!

Within my church, I have  served as adventures director for two years and did undertake master-guide training in Adventurers and Pathfinders in 2008. I also volunteer  prison ministry services twice a month for the last 2.5 years  and will continue to do this as long as there is need.

My early childhood hard labor taught me to always make some one’s life better if I could. I have always shared my faith, time, clothing, and finances and my past experience as well as my influence and this is why at Needy Cases, I would like to continue giving back to the community even more.

Here are a few testimonies to bear witness: In 1992 I was about 7 months pregnant I came across two needy cases that God helped me to assist.

Director Needy Cases.

Author: admin

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