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Ophans, Widows and Families Outreach

Miriam became a widow in 1996 when her husband passed way after being bed ridden for 5 years.  The husband kept his diagnosis so private and Miriam respected his choice, Miriam was left with 8 young children 3 were over 18 years Miriam did not remarry.   All those 11 children were from the husband’s concubines Miriam was not blessed to have any child of her own but she graciously nursed these 11 children as they were brought to her by the husband.  In 2008 Miriam decided to have her blood checked and discovered that she was HIV positive.  She called me to let me know of the bad news, I prayed with her and encouraged her.  I used all the skills and training I had to reassure her that all was going to be well. I promised to assist her as much as I could I have been assisting her since then both emotionally, materially and financially.

Miriam is a dress maker who designs clothes for a living but the income she gets is not able to sustain her well. At times she gets so weak that she is not able to work such that she depends on others to support her. Although the children are grown most of them are on their own, but none of them made it to college so they do not have jobs neither do they have capital to do any type of business. Her desire is to support orphans left due to HIV/AIDS. Miriam is a widow who has survived under hush conditions for the past 18 years. She is active in her local church and her community around the village where she resides.

Author: admin

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