Inmate and Prison Programs

Exodus T.W.O is strongly committed to advocating for incarcerated individuals, particularly those battling mental health conditions. We recognize that these individuals often face unique challenges and require specialized support to navigate their circumstances and prepare for life after release.

To ensure the delivery of comprehensive and effective services, we’ve established partnerships with a wide range of specialists. These include legal professionals, mental health experts, and rehabilitation counselors, who all have extensive experience in dealing with the specific issues faced by the incarcerated population.

Our partnerships with court systems and probation offices play a crucial role in expediting evaluations and ensuring fair treatment for inmates with mental health conditions. We liaise with these authorities to advocate for proper care and legal rights of incarcerated individuals.

Our prison programs, created in collaboration with our expert partners, are designed to provide the necessary mental health support, legal aid, and rehabilitation resources. We provide mental health counseling and therapeutic sessions, legal guidance and support, and rehabilitation programs tailored to individual needs. Our goal is to prepare inmates for a successful transition back into society.

Further, we strongly believe in equipping inmates with practical skills that can aid their reintegration process. We offer vocational training programs, educational resources, and job placement assistance to enhance their employability post-release.

Exodus T.W.O is driven by the ethos that everyone deserves a second chance. We are committed to working hand-in-hand with our partners to provide inmates with the resources, guidance, and support they need to turn their lives around. Together, we strive to create a positive impact, not just for the individuals we directly serve, but also for the wider community, facilitating a way out and a path towards a more positive and productive future.