Job Placement Assistance

Exodus T.W.O firmly believes in the transformative power of meaningful employment. Secure and fulfilling work is not only a crucial stepping stone to economic stability but also plays a pivotal role in personal growth, self-confidence, and community integration. This belief drives our dedicated job placement assistance program, which caters specifically to those recovering from mental health issues, transitioning from homelessness, or reentering society post-incarceration.

To facilitate effective job placements, we’ve established strong partnerships with a broad spectrum of employers and employment agencies. These partners range across various industries and are committed to providing opportunities and fair employment to those we serve.

Our job placement assistance doesn’t stop at just finding job vacancies. We understand that landing a job requires a set of skills and tools that some of our beneficiaries might not have had the chance to develop. Therefore, in collaboration with vocational training centers and educational institutions, we offer training programs tailored to enhance employability. These programs focus on both hard skills, like specific vocational training, and soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

Furthermore, we provide support throughout the job application process. Our services include resume and cover letter writing assistance, interview coaching, and ongoing job-search support. These services are designed to equip our beneficiaries with the confidence and tools they need to secure employment and sustain it over time.

At Exodus T.W.O, we view job placement assistance as more than just finding a job for those we serve. It’s about instilling confidence, developing skills, and fostering independence. By working closely with our network of partners, we aim to open doors, break down barriers, and build bridges to employment and self-sufficiency. Our ultimate goal is to be a way out and a path forward, helping individuals on their journey to economic stability and personal fulfillment.