Prison Ministry

Recognizing the unique struggles and spiritual needs of those behind bars, Exodus T.W.O offers dedicated Prison Ministry Services. Our objective is to bring hope, reconciliation, and a path toward personal transformation within the prison environment.

Our ministry team, made up of trained volunteers, provides spiritual counseling, Bible study sessions, and faith-based rehabilitation programs. We strive to assist inmates in developing a stronger spiritual foundation, which can serve as a powerful tool for personal change and resilience.

In addition to spiritual guidance, our Prison Ministry Services team collaborates with our Inmate and Prison Programs. This united approach ensures that prisoners receive not only spiritual care but also mental health support, legal advocacy, and preparation for reintegration into society after release.

We believe that no one is beyond the reach of grace and redemption. Thus, through our Prison Ministry Services, we aim to cultivate an environment that encourages personal growth, forgiveness, and a positive transformation, helping inmates see a way forward and fostering a successful transition back into the community.