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Supporting Widows impacted by AIDS

Judy was a resource person living with HIV/AIDS for a disease that most people fear to talk about or take a test for.  I was one of the people who feared to go for this test I lived in fear yet I was good at encouraging others to go for the test, Judy convinced me to take the test in 2004 just before I came to America, I am so grateful for the courage and skill she has.  

Judy had 3 children I visited her often and supported her while I was still in Kenya and even up to now I support her when I am able.  Although she recently got a part time job at one of the local centers for widows in Kenya, she still needs a lot of help. Her first born child died in the early part of  2013 in a sad and disturbing way. Judy has 2 children the oldest is a senior this year and the last born is in tenth grade. Judy has been living with HIV/AIDS for over 14 years.  

Author: admin

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